Thread. Panda 8. Vardhman. 2500 M. - 8250 Ft. 9 Chord. India's Superior Kite Flying Thread. Excellent kite line for Small, Medium and Large Indian Fighter Kites.
Kite Line of the Champions.
Strength = 7.0 Pounds - 3.2 Kilos.
Thread. Panda 5. Vardhman.
1000 M. - 3300 Ft. 9 Chord. Glazed.
India's Superior Kite Flying Thread.
Excellent kite line for Small, Medium and Large In..
Thread. Panda 5. Vardhman.
400 M. - 1320 Ft. 9 Chord. Glazed.
India's Superior Kite Flying Thread.
Excellent kite line for Small, Medium and Large Ind..